
Saginaw February Family Reading Program: Catch the Reading Bug | Ankle & Foot Institute Of North Tex

very February the library holds a family reading program to promote literacy for ALL ages. This year, the program’s theme is: Catch the Reading Bug! Children age 0 to 5th grade will receive a Reading Log to record each book that they read.

Every February the library holds a family reading program to promote literacy for ALL ages. This year, the program’s theme is: Catch the Reading Bug! Children age 0 to 5th grade will receive a Reading Log to record each book that they read. Children 6th grade to adult will fill out an entry form for each book they read. Drawings will be held at the end of the month at the library. Three prizes will be awarded to the following groups: 0-5th grade, 6th-12th grade, and adult 18+.

February 3, 2015 - February 28, 2015

9:00 AM - 5:30 PM

Saginaw Public Library
355 West McLeroy Blvd.
Saginaw, TX 76179


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