
Plantar Fasciitis Exercise Tips & Precautions | North Forth Worth Podiatrist

You’ll need to give running a rest until the inflammation in your plantar fascia calms down. Runners heal at different paces, but Irmas generally suggests taking about two weeks off. Ice your plantar fascia, perform the stretches,...

Ease Up

You’ll need to give running a rest until the inflammation in your plantar fascia calms down. Runners heal at different paces, but Irmas generally suggests taking about two weeks off. Ice your plantar fascia, perform the stretches, and take an anti-inflammatory medication like ibuprofen if you need it.

Start Slowly

When rest and ice have alleviated your heel pain, then you can try “tiny runs,” Irmas says. “Run a short distance slowly, like from one telephone pole to the next. Stop at each telephone pole to stretch.” Lengthen the runs gradually by running the distance between two telephone poles (or houses, trees, or another marker you identify on your route). Continue to stop at each marker and punctuate your run with calf stretches, Irmas says.

More Support

While rest and regular stretching help mend plantar fasciitis, be sure you have sturdy shoes when you get back out there for your runs. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons points out that adequate support and proper fit are also important to avoid heel pain and prevent other running-related injuries. Be sure to buy new shoes as frequently as you need to so that they provide the support and cushion your body needs to stay free of injury.

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