
How to Treat Your Child’s Foot Blister or Burn | Fort Worth Podiatrist

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Anyone who has kids knows that they like to run around barefoot in the summer. Between camping trips and barbecues, there are plenty of opportunities to step on hot coals or ashes, which a University of Florida study finds contributes...

Anyone who has kids knows that they like to run around barefoot in the summer. Between camping trips and barbecues, there are plenty of opportunities to step on hot coals or ashes, which a University of Florida study finds contributes 69% of pediatric foot and ankle burns. We do our best as parents to keep our kids safe, but sometimes accidents happen. Use these tips from Parenting.com to help soothe and heal burns or blisters this summer!

  1. Wash the blistered or burned feet in water with a gentle soap. You can also use Epsom salts dissolved in warm water.
  2. If the blisters are not open wounds, apply a burn cream like Silvadene twice a day with a bandage.
  3. If the blisters are open, instead use a triple-antibiotic cream with a Band-Aid twice daily over the course of a few days.

In the event that your child’s foot or ankle is expelling pus, bleeding or swelling it’s important to see a doctor right away.

Abridged from Parenting.com